Hey dolls
Today article is about how to take care of hair exentions and help them to last longer.
The viewers of my blog knows that I like to talk about the general idea of my article before getting to the point.
Now hair extentions are a great way to add volume to your hair or lenght.
So why take a bad care of them.
Extenions can change the way you look if you used them right.
So think about them like its your real natural hair .
You should wash them like 2 times aweek if your using them daily this will keeps the moisture in from shampooing.
Deep condition once a week keeps them moisture .
Carefully put in the extensions in warm water and put some conditioner all over and leave then for like 20 minutes and then raise them and let them dry naturally or use a dryer in cooler setting.
If your using a heat products definitely use a heat protuction .
Of caurse this seems a lot of care for some extenions but like I said think about them as they are your natural hair and remember that they do not have a scalp to get the moisture and oils from.
Good luck dolls ^_^