Wednesday, February 12, 2014

How to Makeup : Highlights and Contour

Whlie it used to be makeup secret of celebrity makeup artists to make cheekbones pop and skin glow but the tricks to highlights and contouring are now comen.

If u want a thinner nose or smaller forhead keep reading ;)

Foundation : my trick is to put a shade or two lighter of the foundation u normaly use on the spots u want to make it pop like the center of the forhead ,the brige of the nose ,the chin ,under the eyes and chickbone.

And now for contouring put the darcker shade like two or three darker than the shade u normaly use " taned " , and put it on the hairline the sides of the face , under the chickbones,  the sides of the nose and the jowline.

And now with ur foundatin tools blend blend blend start with the light spots and blend it with the darker one and then powder to set the foundation.

And put bronz and blush like u normally. And u'll have the perfect skin.

Ofcaurs. There is a lot of ways to highloght and contour ur face but this is my way to do it .

                  Good luck Dolls <3

Thursday, January 9, 2014

How to: Repair damaged hair

Hey dolls :)

If you have a damaged hair like if you dyed it,  bleached it,  dried it out,  ect.
Then here's what you should do to help get it back the pristine condition.

Wash you hair well,  don't wash it every day and always use more conditioner than shampoo.
If you have a straight hair or wavy hair put the conditioner In focus on the ends towards the center of the hair
If you have a curly hair apply the condioner to the whole hair leave it in for like 5 - 15 min .

Bend down and let your hair go like upside down and put the towel over your your hair and gently squezz out the excessive water.

Brush your hair with a comp.

Repeat the steps for everytime you get in shower you should start to see an improvents in your damaged hair .

Use products that contain protein for deep treatments.
Protein will help rebuild the hair natural Keratin .

Avoid using chemicals and heat on your hair let it dry naturally .

When you go to sleep put your hair up to protect it from tangling and more damaged
wait for your hair to grow out so you can cut it off the damaged parts.

Good luck dolls

Thursday, December 19, 2013

How to: take care of Humen Hair Extensions

Hey dolls

Today article is about how to take care of hair exentions and help them to last longer.

The viewers of my blog knows that I like to talk about the general idea of my article before getting to the point.

Now hair extentions are a great way to add volume to your hair or lenght.
So why take a bad care of them.
Extenions can change the way you look if you used them right.
So think about them like its your real natural hair .

You should wash them like 2 times aweek if your using them daily this will keeps the moisture in from shampooing.

Deep condition once a week keeps them moisture .
Carefully put in the extensions in warm water and put some conditioner all over and leave then for like 20 minutes and then raise them and let them dry naturally or use a dryer in cooler setting.

If your using a heat products definitely use a heat protuction .

Of caurse this seems a lot of care for some extenions but like I said think about them as they are your natural hair and remember that they do not have a scalp to get the moisture and oils from.

                  Good luck dolls ^_^

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

How to blush

Choose your blush type power and gel blushes are perfect for oily skin , cream is the best for normal to dry skin.

It shade should matches your natural coloring so try to pick a color that reflects your color when u blush normally .
Ex : Bright red may not look great on a pale skin but can be terrific on a bronzed brown skin .

If ur a pale try a soft pink color or something with a tan & pink in.

Apply Blush after you've put on the rest of ur makeup.

If ur using a powder lightly sweep the brush through the blush and tap it to remove any excess , if ur using a cream or gel dab a little on ur ring finger.

Start with alittle blush its easier to add more than to take of too much of it .

Do a fish face and apply the blush this help to find the apple of ur cheecks .

Apply the blush to the center of the apple on on side of ur face blending the color along ur cheekbones.

IF ur accidentally apply too much powdered blush cover it with a translucent powder to tame the color .

Dust ur face with a translucent powder to set ur new look or use a finishing spray


Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Whats the perfect eyebrow shape suits your face :

Hey everyone today topic is about an eyebrow shape , if you checked out my latest Article the one before this you’ll know your face shape .

I don’t want to make it long on you so lets get  started.

There is a lot of eyebrow shapes in this picture down below you’ll see a different eyebrow shape  .
And the face shapes :

Now lets  talk about each one:
!: Oval face : it’s the perfect face , if u got a Oval face then everything will look good on you like the face of “  Jennifer Aniston “
The soft Angle eyebrows is the most commen eyebrow shape for this kinda faces .

2: Round face : the point of having an eyebrow shape is to make the round shape looks less rounded .
A high Arched gives up and down and elongates the face more but ofcaurse if one not comfortoble with the high arched u can have a soft arched but plz plz plz stay away from the rounded eyebrow shape because it makes your face looks more rounded .
Like “ Drew Barrymore”

3: Long Face : the goal is to make the long face apper shorter .
The flat eyebrows is the best for this kinda faces because it draw attention away from the length of the face think about “ Sarah Jessica Parker”

4: square face : the most striking in this type of faces is the stroge jawline . Forehead and cheekbones and jawline will be both equl in width and the lawline will be square .An angled eyebrow shape with peak balance the face think about Angelina Joilie , Marlin monroe

5: Heart Face : the idea of the brow shape of the heart  face is a rounded shape which will compliment the heart shape the curve of the brow will make ur face look more soft , feminine and attractive.

If u have a long heart face shape keep the eyebrow curve a round arch low for more natural look , if u have a small heart shape then an high arch to add the required length for  the face Like : Jennifer lopez , Jennifer love Hewitt.

Always work with what u have .

                                                     Good Luck Dolls

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

How to know your face shape

Hey everyone . you know that It’s important to know what your face shape is so you could know what eyebrow shape you should have and other things like a hairstyle , makeup ….. etc.

So let’s get started.

There are 5 face shapes :      

Oval , Round ,  Oblong , Heart , Square
To measure : You need a measure tape and pin and paper 

now measure your length “ Forehead , nose , chin “ 

and then measure your Forehead 

then Cheekbones 

then jaw line like so
 and write them down on the paper .

now I will post a picture that’s will helps you to know whats your face shape .

For example my face :

my length matches my cheekbones my jaw line is like a half circle and I got a wide hairline , from the pic it tells me that I got A rounded face shape .

its easy to know just measure and check the picture  
hope this was helpful and you all like it .

my next article it called “ How to get the perfect eyebrow shape  “

                                                             Good Luck Dolls

Sunday, July 7, 2013


Hey everyone today topic is about threading, maybe some of ppl know about threading but there is many don’t know so im going to talk about it in few lines down bellow so ppl know what threading means .

lets get started J .

Threading is a piece of thread used to remove the unwanted hair on the face , its not like tweezing taking one hair at the time , it takes a straight line of hair at once . and it don’t hurt the skin because what we only use is a piece of thread , waxing for some ppl have sensitive skin not good to use but threading is the perfect solution .

Where it come from:

Threading has long been popular in Arab countries and was well known from Indians and Chinese the Arabic word of Threading is “ Khite “ and in Egypt called “ Fatleh “ .

What to use:
     All what u need is a piece of thread any piece of thread but I prefer A cotton thread , and  if u want u can draw in ur desired eyebrow shape using a eyebrow pencil u can also put some of ice or cold water before u thread.

    Tie the ends of the thread so they form a circle , cut of the extra thread after the Knot that u create.

      Hold the selection of thread with the knot in one hand and hold the opposite selection in ur other hand.


      Twist the hand without the knot five or six time while holding the other selection of the thread tightly “ this is to avoid getting the knot into the middle of the thread.

 Now open one hand and close the other at the same time , the tweezing in the middle area is what will remove the hair.

    Hold ur hand so ur fingers are facing away from ur face and position them over the eyebrows.

   Place the triangle of the thread so that the hair u want to pluck  is within the thread, u should be threading against the direction of the hair grows . means u should move the point of the triangle opposite the direction of the hair.

     Close the hand controlling the triangle around the hair as u open the other hand make sure the thread is still touching the skin and quickly make the opposite  motion the hair should be pulled out.

    Keep practicing at the thread it takes a little of time practice to be able to do it.

Tips : u can use the same technique to  thread some1 eles eyebrows , have them pull the skin around the eyebrows with there hands tautly , U can also used it on the entire face to pluck the unwanted hair.

Threading can take out a lot of hair very quickly be careful that u don’t remove the whole selection of the eyebrows
Be careful to thread just the hair if u accidently catch the skin it can be rather painful                                                                                    
                                                                                       GOOD LUCK DOLLS ....