Sunday, July 7, 2013


Hey everyone today topic is about threading, maybe some of ppl know about threading but there is many don’t know so im going to talk about it in few lines down bellow so ppl know what threading means .

lets get started J .

Threading is a piece of thread used to remove the unwanted hair on the face , its not like tweezing taking one hair at the time , it takes a straight line of hair at once . and it don’t hurt the skin because what we only use is a piece of thread , waxing for some ppl have sensitive skin not good to use but threading is the perfect solution .

Where it come from:

Threading has long been popular in Arab countries and was well known from Indians and Chinese the Arabic word of Threading is “ Khite “ and in Egypt called “ Fatleh “ .

What to use:
     All what u need is a piece of thread any piece of thread but I prefer A cotton thread , and  if u want u can draw in ur desired eyebrow shape using a eyebrow pencil u can also put some of ice or cold water before u thread.

    Tie the ends of the thread so they form a circle , cut of the extra thread after the Knot that u create.

      Hold the selection of thread with the knot in one hand and hold the opposite selection in ur other hand.


      Twist the hand without the knot five or six time while holding the other selection of the thread tightly “ this is to avoid getting the knot into the middle of the thread.

 Now open one hand and close the other at the same time , the tweezing in the middle area is what will remove the hair.

    Hold ur hand so ur fingers are facing away from ur face and position them over the eyebrows.

   Place the triangle of the thread so that the hair u want to pluck  is within the thread, u should be threading against the direction of the hair grows . means u should move the point of the triangle opposite the direction of the hair.

     Close the hand controlling the triangle around the hair as u open the other hand make sure the thread is still touching the skin and quickly make the opposite  motion the hair should be pulled out.

    Keep practicing at the thread it takes a little of time practice to be able to do it.

Tips : u can use the same technique to  thread some1 eles eyebrows , have them pull the skin around the eyebrows with there hands tautly , U can also used it on the entire face to pluck the unwanted hair.

Threading can take out a lot of hair very quickly be careful that u don’t remove the whole selection of the eyebrows
Be careful to thread just the hair if u accidently catch the skin it can be rather painful                                                                                    
                                                                                       GOOD LUCK DOLLS ....

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